testimonial carousel

A testimonial carousel is an important part of any website. They add credibility and trustworthiness to your site. In this article. We are going to share a testimonial carousel snippet that you can use right away. But before getting the code, watch the video tutorial below so that you can understand the code. We share videos related to front-end development on our youtube channel. If you want to learn more about front-end web design, you can subscribe to our youtube channel.

I hope you have watched the entire video. A great way to get your business on the right track is to create a positive reputation online. Since the average person will spend less than a minute looking at a testimonial, it’s important to make sure the text is easy to read. Testimonials that are too long or have too many words will be skipped over and lost. Since the testimonials are your best advertisement, you want to make sure they are high-quality and not too many of them. Your testimonial carousel is a useful tool to help convince reluctant customers to buy from you.

The following snippet displays several images in a carousel, each with a nice box-shadow effect. The picture box will remain middle of the box. We have used negative top values in CSS to take half portion of the picture outside the box so that it looks a little bit unique. Underneath the picture box, we've used the reviewer's name and designation, and some remarks from the customers. We have also used some social media icons which you can use to link to the social media profiles of the people who have given their testimony.

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Responsive Testimonial Carousel [ Source Code ]:

You need to make two files to create this carousel. There are two files, one is an HTML file and the other a CSS file. The owl carousel 2 is going to be used to make the Slider. Please add the necessary owl carousel files as shown in the video tutorial. The bootstrap framework will be used to make the work process shorter. Add the bootstrap with the CSS and js files. The owl carousel is dependent on the latest jquery, and you should include it. We will use social media icons in our testimonials, and you should include font-awesome CDN as well. After the setting is done, please copy the code from the below box and paste it into your project. If you are having trouble with the code, you can download it from the download button.



Your testimonials are a great way to advertise. They should be high-quality and not too many of them. I hope you did a good job with the testimonials slide. If you want to get this kind of code snippets for your next project, you can always come back to this website and see if you have anything that matches your query. Please share the articles with people who are like-minded. Help others to learn as well. We would like to thank you for visiting.

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