animated header

Hello, how are you all? Welcome to today's tutorial. In today's blog, we will share a snippet on creating an animated header or banner using only HTML and CSS. All website header or banner elements can be animated individually, such as background animation, Navbar animation, etc. We will basically animate the banner content in this animated header or banner. Watch the video tutorial below to learn how to code for the snippet. This will make it easier to understand the code we used. There are a lot of videos about frontend development on our YouTube channel. If you are new to front-end development, then you can subscribe to our Youtube channel. Hopefully, it will be a positive thing.

Hope you watched the whole video once. It is very easy to create an animated homepage using CSS animation. Nowadays many beautiful animations can be created using CSS keyframes animations. There is no need for JavaScript or JQuery. As a result, the loading speed of the website remains good. This snippet will come in handy if you are currently practicing CSS animation.

First, we wrap our main nav items inside a nav element. All of the banner content was put in a div called 'Banner- Area'. The elements of this snippet have been aligned through the flexbox. The elements of the navbar were displayed using the display flex property. The navigation item will be placed side by side in this way. With the margin, we were able to make a distance between them. The display flex and flex-direction property are used to place the content of the banner area one below the other. The animation property name was the same, but a separate animation duration value was used for each element of the banner area. In this way, each element will animate one after the other. In the end, we used CSS keyframes animation to achieve our required effect.

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Animated header using CSS Animation [ Source Code ]:

There are two files you have to create to make this snippet. One is an HTML File and the other is a CSS file. You need to attach the CSS file to the HTML File. You can paste the code from the code box below into your project. Save it and check if it works or not. If you are having trouble with the code, you can download it from the download button.



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