CSS loader animation is an animation created with CSS that tells the visitor that a webpage or application is loading data. When the content of a website takes time to load, this CSS loading animation or CSS loader is used to keep the visitor engaged. We have shown in this snippet how to create a loader animation with HTML and CSS. While visiting different websites we come across many different loading animations. Our loader is a very common animation that can be seen on various websites. Take a look at how the loading animation is made from the video tutorial below. Our website has over 1000 videos on CSS Animation Examples, Full Website Design, JavaScript Projects, Responsive Web Design, CSS Flexbox, Background Animation, etc. If you see our content and think it will be useful for you, then subscribe to our YouTube channel and stay with us.
Video Tutorial:
Hope you have watched the video tutorial. In today's era, the speed and performance of the website play an important role in user engagement. A slow-loading website frustrates its users and reduces user engagement. Loading animations are very useful to keep users engaged for a seamless user experience. Our project is basically a dot loading animation that can be easily created with HTML and CSS. We first have a div called 'loading-area' and then another div called 'loader'. Within this loader div, we have taken single seven div elements which we will convert to a dot shape through CSS. We used the Display Grid property to bring the loader to the middle of the viewport. Then we gave each single div element a specified height and width. For the glowing effect, we have used the CSS filter property.
Next, we set an animation property that will be animated from one style to another using CSS keyframes. Each dot element is assigned a separate animation-delay value so that they animate one after the other. Finally, the dot animation is completed using the CSS keyframes with the transform scale property. Watching the above video tutorial step by step will make your understanding more clear.
The first thing you need to do is create an HTML file and then a CSS file. To save the file, copy the code below and paste it into it. Try it in your browser to see if it works. You can download the code if the code doesn't work.
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