JavaScript responsive navbar

A Responsive Navbar is an element of a website with the extraordinary ability to adjust and change its structure and visual presentation according to the dimensions and resolution of the device it is displayed on. Today we will use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a simple responsive navigation menu that will adjust nicely on mobile devices. The video tutorial below shows you the steps necessary to create this responsive menu. Watch the video and learn the basics. Our YouTube channel has many videos on front-end development. Those who want to learn essential front-end development can subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Video Tutorial:

Hope you have watched the above video tutorial. The primary purpose of a responsive navigation menu is to provide an optimal user experience, guaranteeing that the navigation menu remains accessible and fully functional, regardless of whether the user is accessing it from a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone. Our navbar will have a logo at the top and the main navigation below it. First, we have taken a div called header and placed the logo image in it. Then take another div called nav which will contain the nav items. At the end of the nav items is a hamburger icon which will be hidden on large devices but visible on smaller devices. Clicking this hamburger icon will open the main navigation on smaller devices. The javascript code needed to initiate the click function is added to the HTML file. 

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Responsive Navbar HTML CSS JavaScript [ Source Code ]:

First, we need to create HTML CSS files. Then link the CSS file with the HTML file. The js code used in the project is added to the HTML file. If you want, you can create a separate js file and add the code to it. In that case, don't forget to link the js file with the HTML file. Then copy the code from the code box below and paste it into your project. If the project does not open in the browser or has problems, then download the code from the download button below this post.



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