Personal Portfolio Landing Page Website

Portfolio websites act as a digital showcase of a creative person's work, skills, and achievements. Such responsive websites are more attractive than online resumes. Many creative people like designers, writers, photographers, etc. have benefited greatly from having a portfolio landing page website and will continue to do so. Today we have designed an animated landing page website that can be used as a portfolio website. Below is the step-by-step process of building the entire website.

Video Tutorial:

Hope you have watched the entire video tutorial. If you work in a creative field, you must have a website like this personal website example to showcase your work, skills, and accomplishments to potential clients, employers, collaborators, or just a wider audience. Otherwise, your creative works will not reach the potential clients and your business will not grow.

Every Personal Portfolio Website website has some key components or sections. Some of these are the Introduction or About Me Section, Portfolio Gallery, Resume/CV, Contact Information, Testimonials/References, etc. To highlight your skills, style, and expertise landing page websites are an important platform. As a portfolio website includes a collection of a creative person's projects, samples, or creations, with relevant information about the person's background, skills, and contact details, clients can easily interact with them.

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Our portfolio landing page website has an animated homepage. The banner text on the left and the image on the right will animate each time the page loads. Also, a responsive navbar has been added to this code snippet. Next is the About section which has a placeholder image of the website owner on the left side and a brief description of the person on the right side The next sections are the service section, the contact section, and the footer. We have added a scroll-to-top button on the bottom-right side of this personal portfolio responsive website example. We used a jQuery plugin called 'scrollreveal'. This plugin helped us to create nice animation on scroll. Finally, the website is made responsive using CSS media queries.

Many code snippets about CSS animation, fully responsive website design, javascript, etc. have been shared on our website. Click the load more button on our website to get them. Thanks for visiting the website.

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